Jan 2024 CR news

Circling Rivers book covers

Read in the new year with poetry! Signed collections available at the Circling Rivers bookstore. Free shipping, easy pay. Travelers, by David Michael Belczyk: Places, love and loss Alcestis in the Underworld, by Nina Murray: A Ukrainian in Moscow Blue, by Erin Wilson: A mother’s love and a child moving through depression Love’s Fingerprints, by Bernard … Read more


Free books!  Reviews are so very important (and hard to get) for small presses! Whether you’re a blogger or a journalist (or both) – we have a limited number of print review copies available for TRAVELERS: POEMS, by David Michael Belczyk and LOVE’S FINGERPRINTS: POEMS, by Bernard Horn. We have digital (PDF) copies available for all our titles. Contact … Read more

Circling Rivers April 2023

You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket. – John Adams author-signed | free shipping | easy pay via PayPal or credit card Circling Rivers welcomes David Michael Belczyk, whose poetry collection Travelers will be published by CR in June 2023. “These are poignant songs of longing and desire that evoke the complexities of … Read more

Circling Rivers, May 2022

Getting close! June 21 — the Summer Solstice — is publication date of Nothing But Light: Poems, by Barbara Schwartz and Krista J.H. Leahy. Nothing But Light explores the sacred feminine through the poets’ shared visits to places and people of spiritual revelation—a mosque, a temple, a shaman, a tree. Its poems form a guidebook … Read more

Circling Rivers, March 2022

Circling Rivers stands with poet and translator Nina Murray and her colleagues in condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Letter in LA Review of Books. Recently published book lists help us grasp the dimensions of the crisis. But nearly all the compilations, however worthy, neglect the most raw and immediate medium of literary expression, a medium that, … Read more

Circling Rivers, January 2022

3 firsts with 3 new books! We’re very happy to announce 3 firsts with 3 poetry collections coming from Circling Rivers in 2022:  Nothing but Light, by Barbara Schwartz and & Krista J. H. Leahy (Summer 2022) Blue, by Erin Wilson (Fall 2022) On the Level: Poems on Living with Multiple Sclerosis, by Bryan R. … Read more

Circling Rivers, October 2020

Bernard Horn’s LOVE’S FINGERPRINTS is very near its publication date of November 3!  Poet Major Jackson describes the collection as “a jubilant song of persistent memory that recalls a profoundly realized life made rich by the promontories of family and abundant love.” Find out more, and pre-order signed and gift-wrapped copies directly from CR, or pre-order from … Read more

April 2020

Featured Poet Book Giveaway & a poet’s C-19 message To help keep poetry out of isolation, Circling Rivers is hosting a series of Featured Poet Book Giveaways.  Our featured poet for this giveaway is Erin Wilson. Publication day of Erin’s At Home with Disquiet  passed, well, quietly. No celebration gathering or bookstore reading. So let’s throw a little … Read more

November 2019

Lots of businesses say “thank you” this time of year — and so will I. Very sincerely.  Circling Rivers’ list of titles is small and careful. We give our books, and our writers, the best we’ve got. We know that a book, crafted in words from its writer’s heart, offers wisdom, good company, and appreciation of … Read more