Circling Rivers, September 2022

Signed copies of BLUE: POEMS, by Erin Wilson, and ON THE LEVEL: POEMS ON LIVING WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, by Bryan R. Monte, are available for pre-order! Visit our bookstore to order these and other CR books.  EVENTS October 27, 7-8:30 pm Eastern US | At the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, MD | Bryan R. Monte and Claudia Gary … Read more

Circling Rivers, May 2022

Getting close! June 21 — the Summer Solstice — is publication date of Nothing But Light: Poems, by Barbara Schwartz and Krista J.H. Leahy. Nothing But Light explores the sacred feminine through the poets’ shared visits to places and people of spiritual revelation—a mosque, a temple, a shaman, a tree. Its poems form a guidebook … Read more

Circling Rivers, March 2022

Circling Rivers stands with poet and translator Nina Murray and her colleagues in condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Letter in LA Review of Books. Recently published book lists help us grasp the dimensions of the crisis. But nearly all the compilations, however worthy, neglect the most raw and immediate medium of literary expression, a medium that, … Read more

Circling Rivers, January 2022

3 firsts with 3 new books! We’re very happy to announce 3 firsts with 3 poetry collections coming from Circling Rivers in 2022:  Nothing but Light, by Barbara Schwartz and & Krista J. H. Leahy (Summer 2022) Blue, by Erin Wilson (Fall 2022) On the Level: Poems on Living with Multiple Sclerosis, by Bryan R. … Read more

Give poetry, with love

#Poetry is life distilled. – Gwendolyn Brooks | Poetry is the liquid voice that can wear through stone. – Adrienne Rich | The fate of poetry is to fall in love with the world in spite of History. – Derek Walcott | In the house of poetry nothing endures that is not written with blood … Read more

Circling Rivers, October 2021

If you’re thinking of giving poetry this season (I hope you are!) or any books, be sure to do your shopping early. Publishers and booksellers are facing delays in every aspect of getting books to you. (NYT article on this) Fortunately, Circling Rivers has books on hand for you, signed by the authors (the live … Read more

Circling Rivers, August 2021

NEW: With Walt Whitman in Camden Nearly every evening for the last four years of Walt Whitman’s life, Horace Traubel wrote an account of his daily visit with the poet. He recorded his elder friend’s insights on a wide range of topics: US and international politics, celebrities and ordinary people, art, literature and the literary … Read more

Circling Rivers, June 2021

LATEST RELEASE In time for Robert Hazel’s centennial birth year, his collected poems, PRAISE AND THRENODY, is available from booksellers. Links to buy “Robert Hazel has written poems that stand, not only apart, but high and alone.” —Wendell Berry. Gritty and tender, raw and lyrical, Robert Hazel’s poetry illuminates the mystical in the commonplace, the sacred … Read more

Circling Rivers, April 2021

Meet Circling Rivers writers On youtube: Bernard Horn reads “A Dumb Blankness Full of Meaning” | Ken Pobo talks vintage records on vinyl essence radio podcast Online – April 25, 5:30 pm eastern US | Bernie Horn will read four poems at the Third Jewish Climate Action Conference | info at Poetry of Resilience In Times of Climate Change New works by CR writers ERIN … Read more