Circling Rivers, February 2021

Introducing Circling Rivers youtube channel! We have two playlists: Walt Whitman, Himself and Circling Rivers Writers  A few on the CR writers playlist:Nina Murray, on working as a Foreign Service Officer but mostly on poetry, in convo with POPO (August POetry POstcard Fest) founder, Paul E Nelson youtubeBernie Horn reading from his CR collection LOVE’S FINGERPRINTS, via … Read more

Circling Rivers, December 2020

Holiday help! In this cautious year, you can order signed, gift-wrapped CR books, shipped free in the USA here. Circling Rivers Writers Bernard Horn | “The love and relationships between father, mother, son and siblings is tender, palpable, and binds his family down three generations despite anti-Semitism, emigration, a North American trans-continental relocation, and war. ” Bernard Horn’s LOVE’S … Read more

Circling Rivers, October 2020

Bernard Horn’s LOVE’S FINGERPRINTS is very near its publication date of November 3!  Poet Major Jackson describes the collection as “a jubilant song of persistent memory that recalls a profoundly realized life made rich by the promontories of family and abundant love.” Find out more, and pre-order signed and gift-wrapped copies directly from CR, or pre-order from … Read more

Poet Laureate, Richmond, VA

News release from Mayor Stoney’s office, Richmond, VA, September 17, 2020: Richmond, VA — The City of Richmond has launched the Richmond Poet Laureate Program to highlight gifted artists in Richmond and use the literary arts to provide support in an unprecedentedly challenging time.  With the freedom to develop their own projects during their term, … Read more

Circling Rivers, September 2020

Ekphrastic Poem Book Giveaway The Circling Rivers’ ekphrastic poetry book giveaway ended September 1. The premise: Send an ekphrastic poem, winner gets a signed copy of Ken Pobo’s ekphrastic poetry collection, Loplop in a Red City.  We’re very grateful to the poets who sent their work — and thankful we didn’t have to play judge. … Read more

Circling Rivers, August 2020

Whew! Who’s feeling a bit crispy at the edges — and not only because of August heat? More and more, I find myself turning to poetry, for beauty (even if at times gritty), for consolation, and most of all to touch base with reality — real reality, that is, unmonetized, unbranded, unafraid. Your ongoing interest … Read more

Circling Rivers, June 2020

NOW AVAILABLE All Circling Rivers books are now available in hardcover. That means you’ll be more likely to find them in your local lending library. If you don’t find them there, please request them! (Circling Rivers books, paper and hardcover, are available to booksellers and libraries via Ingram or direct from us.)  BOOK GIVEAWAY The featured … Read more

April 2020

Featured Poet Book Giveaway & a poet’s C-19 message To help keep poetry out of isolation, Circling Rivers is hosting a series of Featured Poet Book Giveaways.  Our featured poet for this giveaway is Erin Wilson. Publication day of Erin’s At Home with Disquiet  passed, well, quietly. No celebration gathering or bookstore reading. So let’s throw a little … Read more

February 2020

HEADLINE NEWS Erin Wilson’s poetry collection At Home with Disquiet will be on sale March 24, 2020.Read about the book  here  Check our EVENTS page for upcoming author appearances.  Gift-wrapped, author-signed books are available from Circling Rivers. Shipping is free to US addresses. here  CR WRITERS Erin Wilson discusses her poems long-listed for the Canadian CBC Literary Prize here  || Read a poem by Erin that’s not … Read more

November 2019

Lots of businesses say “thank you” this time of year — and so will I. Very sincerely.  Circling Rivers’ list of titles is small and careful. We give our books, and our writers, the best we’ve got. We know that a book, crafted in words from its writer’s heart, offers wisdom, good company, and appreciation of … Read more