Signed copies of BLUE: POEMS, by Erin Wilson, and ON THE LEVEL: POEMS ON LIVING WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, by Bryan R. Monte, are available for pre-order! Visit our bookstore to order these and other CR books.

October 27, 7-8:30 pm Eastern US | At the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, MD | Bryan R. Monte and Claudia Gary will celebrate the latest issue of Amsterdam Quarterly. The readings will be followed by an Open Mic for all attendees who would like to participate. Free and open to the public; and we’ll be there to sell Circling Rivers signed books. | info
BRYAN R. MONTE | “Foucault in California,” “In Case He Doesn’t Make It,” and “The Mirror of the Medusa” in Arlington Literary Journal | “The Bonfire” in South Florida Poetry Journal issue 26, including audio of Bryan reading.
NINA MURRAY | Nina Murray reads from her translation of Oksana Zabuzhko’s Museum of Abandoned Secrets for TranslatorsAloud YouTube channel | Excerpt from Nina Murray’s translation of Lesia Ukrainka’s drama in verse Cassandra in the London Ukrainian Review issue 2:
ERIN WILSON | “Three Seconds in Winter,” League of Canadian Poets’ Poetry Pause (previously published with Columba)