Meet Circling Rivers writers
On youtube: Bernard Horn reads “A Dumb Blankness Full of Meaning” | Ken Pobo talks vintage records on vinyl essence radio podcast
Online – April 25, 5:30 pm eastern US | Bernie Horn will read four poems at the Third Jewish Climate Action Conference | info at Poetry of Resilience In Times of Climate Change
New works by CR writers
ERIN WILSON: “Three Seconds in Winter” in Columba | “Detail of a Winter Landscape” at The Elevation Review | “Threshold” in Crab Creek Review (print) | “The Brickworks” and “The Crystal Chrysanthemum” at Berfrois
BERNARD HORN: “Earthsea,” in Climbing Lightly Through Forests: A Poetry Anthology Honoring Ursula Le Guin (print) | “Another Mailer,” essay comparing Norman Mailer’s An American Dream to Toni Morrison’s Beloved at ACADEMIA/ Letters
KENNETH POBO: “1:00-1:50.” Chiron Review (print). | “Stuff Out” in Sin Fronteras (print). | “I Have a Complicated Relationship with Judy Garland” in Sledgehammer Lit | “The Birds” in Instant Noodles | Uneven Steven (collection), Assure Press
Ray Bradbury on reading poetry
Read poetry every day of your life. Poetry is good because it flexes muscles you don’t use often enough. Poetry expands the senses and keeps them in prime condition. It keeps you aware of your nose, your eye, your ear, your tongue, your hand. And, above all, poetry is compacted metaphor or simile. Such metaphors, like Japanese paper flowers, may expand outward into gigantic shapes. — Ray Bradbury, in Zen in the Art of Writing