the Feminine Divine has been brought out from under the dustcover of myth and wrenched into vibrant life
![<strong>2024 PUSHCART PRIZE [Wilson] takes what is most raw, most vulnerable, most undone, and brings it to the page with precision and gemlike perfection.… These are poems that tell the truth. I was hypnotized by BLUE. — Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer</strong> Cover Blue: Poems, by Erin Wilson](https://circlingrivers.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/cache/2020/05/Wilson-Blue-cover-300dpi-1/2551995880.jpg)
2024 PUSHCART PRIZE [Wilson] takes what is most raw, most vulnerable, most undone, and brings it to the page with precision and gemlike perfection.… These are poems that tell the truth. I was hypnotized by BLUE. — Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
![<strong>The grace of the writing, its tenderness and often [its] humour lifts us, as does its determination to look through sometimes harrowing details to wider perspectives, ones we can all use, simply being human, moving outwards and on. — Philip Gross</strong> Cover On The Level: Poems, by Bryan R. Monte](https://circlingrivers.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/cache/2022/05/MONTE-COVER-front/51484287.jpg)
The grace of the writing, its tenderness and often [its] humour lifts us, as does its determination to look through sometimes harrowing details to wider perspectives, ones we can all use, simply being human, moving outwards and on. — Philip Gross

“A nuanced seeking after desire, and the sometimes perplexing results of that search.” —Gerald Costanzo, Regular Haunts

“Clinton’s language bears the stamp of pure poetry: well-wrought syntax, sudden juxtapositions, and especially a compelling musicality.”
![<strong>"Love’s Fingerprints makes its strange and original music from the duet of past and present.… braiding [hope and memory] together in moving dialogue.” — Carl Dennis (Pulitzer Prize for Poetry)
</strong> Love's Fingerprints cover](https://circlingrivers.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/HORN-cover-web.jpg)
“Love’s Fingerprints makes its strange and original music from the duet of past and present.… braiding [hope and memory] together in moving dialogue.” — Carl Dennis (Pulitzer Prize for Poetry)

“One of the most powerful gathering of poems I’ve read in years…. Our study is to understand that a new voice has strode across the field, and made its place.” — Brian Brett, To Your Scattered Bodies Go (2011 CBC poetry prize)

“Radiates a level of universal empathy and vivid experience that cements Murray’s place as masterful poet.”

“Exuberant, filled with daring imaginative leaps…. a testament to the power of art’s ability to inspire.”

“A true Whitmanian feast—for the intellect as well as for the eyes.The book keeps opening up to new facets of Whitman, his work, and his era.” — Ed Folsom, Editor of Walt Whitman Quarterly Review

“…Marvelous poems of a life lived on the edge of the wild… reminiscent of Gary Snyder or early John Haines.” — Joseph Millar, author of Shine

All 9 volumes – searchable! A first-hand look into nineteenth century America and Walt Whitman’s poetic process, with Whitman’s often prophetic insights.

gertrude m books “Tour-de-force takes of our cultural touchstones help to explain how we crashed our way into a frightening future; they also promise that we are more than the sum of our technology and our losses.”