Erin Wilson’s poetry collection At Home with Disquiet will be on sale March 24, 2020.Read about the book hereCheck our EVENTS page for upcoming author appearances.
Gift-wrapped, author-signed books are available from Circling Rivers. Shipping is free to US addresses. here
Erin Wilson discusses her poems long-listed for the Canadian CBC Literary Prize here || Read a poem by Erin that’s not in At Home with Disquiet at Willawa Journal. “Her mouth was damp and smelled exquisitely of moss.…” RAFT, here
Two CR poets are translators: Nina Murray (Ukrainian & Russian to English) and Bernard Horn (Hebrew to English). Bernie’s English-language collection, Love’s Fingerprints, will be published by CR in Fall 2020. Meanwhile, here’s one of Bernie’s translations, “Love and Memory,” by Yehudi Amachai, read aloud by the author, in The New Yorker magazine. || The New York Times‘ “sneak preview of books coming out in 2020 from around the world” includes Your Ad Could Go Here, a story collection by Oksana Zabuzhko, edited and translated by Nina Murray (with other translators). Kyiv Post covered Nina’s role here ||
Nina Murray will be at Virginia Festival of the Book March 21. Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges will explore folk & traditional arts as international exchange and cultural diplomacy. Nina Murray will read from Alcestis in the Underworld, reflecting on her experience as a US foreign service officer. The program will also include performances by Virginia traditional musicians who participated in international exchanges in Cabo Verde, Cuba, Bulgaria, & Serbia. ETA: Va. Festival of the Book was cancelled. info here || Listen to Nina in conversation with novelist & poet Jessica Mehta about her book, her writing year in review, list poems & variety packs, & more at Compulsive Reader podcast
Ken Pobo poems are in the Haiku Corner at NarrativeNorthwest. Go ahead and check it out. You don’t have to be bad to sit in this corner. || Besides writing, Ken spins super eclectic retro music. For his guest appearance at Vinyl Essence podcast, he brought mostly late ’60s-early 70s pop. On soundcloud.
Jean Huets spoke with Rose Martin of Blue Ridge PBS about Walt Whitman and his life and times, and a bit about our life and times, on the series Write around the Corner. Watch it here
If you live in the DC area, be sure to check out Beltway Poetry on Facebook, for events and resources for poets. Events announced include the monthly reading and open mic hosted by Indran Amirthanayagam (latest collection Coconuts on Mars | Paperwall, 2019) at Haitian restaurant Port-au-Prince in Silver Spring, MD. Info here